I’d personally like to say thank you to all of our veterans today. You gave your blood, sweat and tears to keep our Nation free, you’re the true Patriots!!! I pray today for your health and long life so you can continue telling us the stories of bravery and heroic acts of your fellow comrades. I know that you don’t like to tell your own story because of your humility, we get that and honor it very much, but God only knows how much we need your voice right now to encourage us in the faith of America. So many people have lost hope in America but I know you precious Veterans have not. So please give us one more story, one more push, we need you once again. You will never be forgotten. We love and honor you today and thank God for your service. –Ricky Skaggs
Photo info: Ricky Skaggs and Kentucky Thunder playing a USO event in 1998